Sunday, November 20, 2011

Mother Henna we finally got around to using henna on our hair.  I wanted black so I also used indigo.  Both natural herbs and very good hair dyes.  My hair is long but very fine, the girls is short/mid length and again fairly fine.
We used just over 300g of henna powder mixed with lemon juice and left to sit overnight.

Here it is going onto my hair..
Afterwards we wrapped it up in cling wrap.

We left it for about 4 hrs, but apparently we could have left it for a shorter time.
My results were pretty impressive since my hair only had a little regrowth.  You could certainly still tell it had been henna'd.

The girls was vibrant!!!
 It will settle down and darken over the next couple of days..I'll take another pic then.
 So here is the indigo going on, I used 200g mixed with water.  There was a little left over..
it stayed on for an hour..
 and the results..
 Top veiw...I think she could have put a bit more paste down the part can still see a bit of red..
Over all, fairly happy with the results.  Worth the extra planning and time.  It's like putting mud on your hair so if you are squeemish, you probably won't enjoy it much.  And I did find that my hair needed alot of conditioning after the indigo.  It feels a bit dry so I might look at putting an oil treatment on it in the next week. 
The biggest plus is that it's all natural and I'll keep on doing it.  I was using commercial dyed every 4 or so weeks and was a bit concerned about the exposure.

Now to do some dying of wool with the indigo.........


  1. Hi Karen! I've been colouring my hair for almost a year with henna and indigo now, it does wonderful things for the condition of your hair too! You can mix the henna and indigo together and apply it at the same time. Just make the henna the night before as you did for the dye to release, then the next day mix indigo with water, then mix together and apply. Saves time, you'll find your hair gets better every time you use it! Have a look at Good luck! Karen in NZ (otagogirl).

  2. I do henna since I was 15, so about 34 years already. (People don't even know me with other than reddishbrouwn hair). I make my henna right before I use it and apply it while it is still warm. I cover it with alufoil and a shawl and it stays about two hours in my hair. Than I wash it out and ready! No sleeping with the henna nessasary. At least for my fine long hair. I have mouse brown hair by origin but now it turns grey. I do it every three weeks, so I can keep up with covering my grey hairs ...



The show went well.  Not as well as I would have liked but well enough... Now it's soap I am doing a lot of...Yet another old craft no...